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The General Managers Salon
Inthe afternoon of September 28, Ningshing Holdings held the second general managerssalon in the mee... -
Training Course for New Staff of year 2018
In order to make the new employees fully understand thedevelopment process and business philosophy o... -
A Visit in Joyson Group as part of "Ningshing Talent Training Course"
Asone of the most important training courses of "Talent TrainingCourse", Ningshing Holdings organize... -
The Signing Ceremony of the Forth Ningshing Educational Charity Fund
NingshingHoldings and Ningbo Charity Federation jointly hosted the signing ceremony of Ningshing Edu... -
Ningshing Holdings and Its Subsidiaries Entiled 2018 Ningbo Top 100 Enterprises
Jointlyhosted by Ningbo Enterprises Confederation, Ningbo Entrepreneurs Associationand Ningbo Federa...