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Ningshing Organized a Foreign Trade Skills Contest Named
AccordingtothescheduleofNingshingholdings2014annualcultureactivitynanmed"growingtogether",theCompany... -
Ningshing Noldings Launched a Donation for Quake-hit Yunnan
A6.5magnitudeearthquakeinLudianCountyofYunnanProvinceonAugust3,2014hasinflictedheavycasualtiesandpro... -
Ningshing Holdings held 2014 Semi-Annual Management Analysis
On 11th July 2014, Ningshing Holdings 2014 Semi-Annual Management Analysis was held in Ningbo Langha... -
Chairman Mr. Wu Yigang and the senior management team visited Zhejiang Orient Ho
To explore new ideas, promote innovation and development of the company, on 9th July 2014, chairman ... -
Ningshing Holdings held “Develop together, Grow up together” Ningshing Special-s
On 4TH July, Ningshing Holdings held employee representatives forum of Ningshing Special-steel Group...